Dear Students,
I understand that The University of Hong Kong Students' Union (HKUSU) is holding a general polling on 17-19/9 to vote on whether I am "suitable to hold office concerning student affairs in The University of Hong Kong". I am therefore writing to offer you some information and thoughts.
HKUSU said one reason for the general polling is that I have failed to honor my words that students would be able to move in the Residential Colleges on Sept 5. But please note that both Professor Roland Chin and Professor John Malpas have written to students and staff to explain that the move-in was delayed owing to consideration of indoor air quality at these new buildings. Professors Chin and Malpas have also explained that construction of the LWS buildings were delayed owing to factors beyond our direct control. I am glad that Block A and B have now been approved for students to move in. Students did and are enjoying their new home away from home.
As soon as the decision to delay the move-in was made by the relevant colleagues in the early evening of September 4, my immediate tasks and highest priority were to work with colleagues to make sure that the newly arrived students were informed and well taken care of. We made arrangements to house them at hotels nearby and university housing and helped them settle. Since yesterday, we have also helped them to move back to the Residential Colleges.
Meanwhile, I have also kept HKUSU officials informed of the developments and decisions at the earliest possible time. I have had telephone and face-to-face conversations with Mr Dan Chan, President of HKUSU, and his committee members since September 5. I have kept HKUSU officials fully briefed on the latest developments at the Residential Colleges as I do respect and appreciate their input.
Over the past weeks, many students have come forward to help welcome new fellow students, especially those who just arrived from outside Hong Kong. I am most grateful for their efforts as we try our best to welcome a double cohort of new students. My colleagues at CEDARS and I will count on your continuing support. I also welcome your input and suggestions, as always.
With best wishes for a wonderful new school year.
Best regards,
Albert Chau
Dean of Student Affairs
September 14, 2012
學 生會稱公投的其中一個原因是我未能實踐承諾,讓宿生於9月5日入住龍華街住宿學院。然而,首席副校長錢大康教授和副校長麥培思教授已發電郵給所有同學及同 事,解釋押後入住是考慮到新宿舍的室內空氣質素。錢教授和麥培思教授亦已解釋興建龍華街住宿學院所遇到的延阻,是由於一些我們無法直接控制的因素。我很高 興A座與B座現已通過測試,可以讓同學入住;而同學亦已即時入住新宿舍,並享受他們在大學的新家。
於9月4 日傍晚,當大學相關同事決定要押後入住日期後,我即時及首要的工作是與同事合力確保新來報到的同學收到通知並得到適當的安排。我們在短時間內聯絡了附近的 酒店和其他大學的學生寓所,讓新抵港的同學入住,並幫助他們安頓一切。從昨天起,我們一直協助同學遷回住宿學院。
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